44 products in collection
Jasmine Flowers
Blooms | In stockJasmine flowers are believed to originate from the Himalayas, but now they bloom across many countries in vast forests, valleys, and meadows along rivers. When the moon rises, the night air spreads and fills the air with the...
Blooms | In stock花苞是玫瑰的精华所在,相传玫瑰花苞具有神秘的疗愈功能,并象征着好运,它被广泛运用于医药、茶饮以及香水中,您更可以见到许多庆祝仪式上利用玫瑰花来增添喜气。玫瑰花苞中富含许多滋养的元素,像是维他命以及抗氧化物。它同时也有滋润肌肤、增强免疫力、减缓压力及改善消化状况的功效。快让Suncore Foods®的超级花朵系列里的玫瑰花苞让您最喜爱的茶饮增加更多元气,也可以加入烘培的点心,或是利用它泡个舒服的澡。
Lilac Taro Yam Powder
Powders & Flakes | In stockChefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous root vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Originating from Southeast Asia, taro has found its way into many staple dishes across the globe from...
Chips & Snacks | In stock传说喷火龙藉由火龙果摄取能量,因其艳丽的颜色与状似龙鳞的形体而得名。幸好,那些都只是传说,人类也得以品尝这鲜美可口的水果!史诗般神奇的火龙果具有强大的抗氧化剂,具有抗菌与高营养的特性,能够增强免疫力、促进新陈代谢、排毒润肠。 Suncore Foods®红火龙果脆片无添加糖,甜度完全来自火龙果本身,无疑是零食控的超级健康食品!红色火龙果脆片,给您的生活一种不同的火焰!
Marigold Passion Fruit Powder & Seeds
Powders & Flakes | In stockChefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous fruit to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. This incredible, sweet, and tangy tropical fruit is said to make you fall passionately in...
Midnight Purple Corn Powder
Powders & Flakes | In stockChefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous crop to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Purple corn was a staple in ancient civilizations of South America and is widely grown in...
Powders & Flakes | In stock世界各地的厨师和美食家都在使用这种神秘的超级食品来创造出带有自然风采的极致菜肴。抹茶不仅是时下流行的食品,同时富含抗氧化剂并具有消炎作用,能够增强免疫力、增进新陈代谢、降低胆固醇和血压,并能放松神经、镇静心灵。传说古代武士运用抹茶作为冥想静心的方子,以准备最佳备战状态。传闻僧侣也在打坐时使用抹茶来保持思虑清晰、放松身体。 Suncore Foods®有机认证抹茶粉呈翠玉色,清新高雅,非常适合加入您喜爱的冰沙、蛋白饮、优格和烘焙食品中,令菜肴温润如玉,青翠宜人!
Peony Buds
Blooms | In stockWith ancient mythology and art revolving around this flower, the peony has a fascinating history that goes back for centuries. Originally grown in imperial courts, this flower has made its way into common homes, sharing its beauty and...
Chips & Snacks | In stock传说喷火龙藉由火龙果摄取能量,因其艳丽的颜色与状似龙鳞的形体而得名。幸好,那些都只是传说,人类也得以品尝这鲜美可口的水果!史诗般神奇的火龙果具有强大的抗氧化剂,具有抗菌与高营养的特性,能够增强免疫力、促进新陈代谢、排毒润肠。 Suncore Foods®红火龙果脆片无添加糖,甜度完全来自火龙果本身,无疑是零食控的超级健康食品!红色火龙果脆片,给您的生活一种不同的火焰!
Powders & Flakes | In stock异国情调的火龙果以其鲜艳的色彩和似龙鳞的型态闻名,除却美丽的外表,火龙果富含高营养价值,具有抗氧化剂、抗菌滋养的特性,能增强免疫系统、新陈代谢、排毒润肠。Suncore Foods®红火龙果粉无添加糖,甜度来自纯天然的红色火龙果,含有多种维他命C、B、蛋白质、纤维素和必需的多元不饱和脂肪酸。将洋红色的火龙果粉加入冰沙、冰淇淋、果汁或蛋白质饮中,轻松引领健康潮流!