44 products in collection
Cosmos Red Cabbage Powder
Powders & Flakes | In stockChefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Purple cabbage also referred to as red cabbage, is incredibly versatile, and vibrant. The deep purplish-red hue brings...
Powders & Flakes | In stock世界各地的厨师和美食家都在使用这种神秘的超级食品来创造出带有自然风采的极致菜肴。深紫色的萝卜有着迷人而神秘的外观,且富含抗氧化剂,具有消炎作用、抵抗病毒的效果,能够降低胆固醇、畅通消化系统。相传在古代,紫萝卜为皇室礼袍染色剂的主要原料。 Suncore Foods®有机认证紫萝卜粉味道清甜并带有些许辛辣,非常适合加入您喜爱的果汁、冰沙、蛋白饮、优格和烘焙食品中,为佳肴添一抹神秘高雅的深紫魅力!
Powders & Flakes | In stock隆重介绍Suncore Foods®香兰叶粉,让料理跟上亚洲风!香兰叶有类似香草坚果的香气,放入米饭、甜点、布丁中可以用来提香。香兰叶粉有着雅致的葱绿色,拥有神奇的疗愈功效,能缓解关节炎、头痛、口腔不适、发烧及皮肤问题。百搭的香兰叶粉可以加入冰沙、蛋白质饮、烘焙食品、甜点或果汁中,混搭健康新时尚!
Forget Me Not Flowers
Blooms | In stockForget Me Not flowers are believed to originate from Eurasia and North America and symbolize remembrance. Once upon a time, two lovers were walking along the river and saw the bright blue blossoms. As the...
Globe Amaranth Flowers
Blooms | In stockGlobe Amaranth flowers are believed to originate from Central America and the sphere-shaped blossoms symbolize immortality for their long lifespan. It was once given in the Victorian era as a way to express, "My love...
Pantry Staples | In stock几个世纪以来,一种称为枸杞的小浆果不停增强人类的幸福指数。枸杞是世界上营养最丰富的超级水果之一,它能增进心脏健康、强化免疫系统、抗发炎。它含有丰富的维他命A和C、抗氧化剂和珍贵的矿物质。 Suncore Foods®有机认证枸杞干来自土壤最肥沃的农场,将枸杞的风味与营养锁进小小的果干中。枸杞是一个色彩鲜艳的完美画龙点睛之物,加在各种饮品食物上,让活力满分。让Suncore Foods®有机认证枸杞干为您的生活增添色彩与动力!
Pantry Staples | In stock你知道早在中国古代已将大麻种子作为食品与药品吗?我们Suncore Foods®有机认证去壳大麻籽,让您能轻松加入各种食物中,享受大自然的能量。大麻籽富含蛋白质、钙、纤维质、omega-3和omega-6脂肪酸,它兼具清脆爽口的口感与香醇的坚果风味。它不只风味俱佳,也带给你充沛的能量。我们的超级种子用大自然的力量帮助您的消化系统,减轻关节炎和关节疼痛并帮助你减肥。让这有趣的种子和您喜爱的冰沙、优格、烘焙食品、谷物燕麦和果汁擦出新火花!用最自然的食品陪您度过生命的起承转合!
成份:100%有机去壳大麻籽 。
Heroic Blue Pancake & Waffle Powder Mix - Blue Spirulina
Pancake & Waffle Mixes | In stockStart your morning off with a dash of delicious fun with Suncore Foods® Heroic Blue Spirulina Pancake & Waffle Powder Mix. A sweet twist on a classic that sings with color. Light & fluffy. Simply delicious in...
Powders & Flakes | In stockJackfruit Chips
Chips & Snacks | In stockJackfruit is said to be one of the wonders of the East for its unique qualities. Legend has it that its versatile flavor and massive size have earned the fruit its majestic title. This tropical fruit has...