Countdown is on for Our Winter Festive Celebration with Suncore Foods! Shop Now!
Fun & Colorful Plant-Based Products 100% Women-Owned Small Business




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17 products in collection



Powders & Flakes | In stock

世界各地的厨师和美食家都在使用这种神秘的超级食品来创造出带有自然风采的极致菜肴。抹茶不仅是时下流行的食品,同时富含抗氧化剂并具有消炎作用,能够增强免疫力、增进新陈代谢、降低胆固醇和血压,并能放松神经、镇静心灵。传说古代武士运用抹茶作为冥想静心的方子,以准备最佳备战状态。传闻僧侣也在打坐时使用抹茶来保持思虑清晰、放松身体。 Suncore Foods®有机认证抹茶粉呈翠玉色,清新高雅,非常适合加入您喜爱的冰沙、蛋白饮、优格和烘焙食品中,令菜肴温润如玉,青翠宜人!

Lilac Taro Yam Powder

Lilac Taro Yam Powder

Powders & Flakes | In stock

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous root vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Originating from Southeast Asia, taro has found its way into many staple dishes across the globe from...



Powders & Flakes | In stock

世界各地的厨师和美食家都在使用这种神秘的超级食品来创造出带有自然风采的极致菜肴。酸甜清爽的百香果富有抗氧化剂、维他命和矿物质,能增强免疫力、改善睡眠品质、降低胆固醇和血压等。相传食用这热带水果后会与第一个吸引你的人陷入热恋,一眼万年! Suncore Foods®有机认证百香果粉缤纷如火花,如星光,微甜并有浓郁的果香,非常适合加入您喜爱的果汁、冰沙、蛋白饮、优格和烘焙食品中,为佳肴添一抹热情闪亮的琥珀色!

Cerise Prickly Pear Powder

Cerise Prickly Pear Powder

Powders & Flakes | In stock

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous fruit to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. The nopal cactus fruit, more commonly referred to as the prickly pear, has become a popular...

Autumnal Baked Sweet Potato Yam Powder

Autumnal Baked Sweet Potato Yam Powder

Powders & Flakes | In stock

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous root vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Synonymous with the fall season, baked yams have become a quintessential part of the...

Peony Buds

Peony Buds

Blooms | In stock

With ancient mythology and art revolving around this flower, the peony has a fascinating history that goes back for centuries. Originally grown in imperial courts, this flower has made its way into common homes, sharing its beauty and...

Jasmine Flowers

Jasmine Flowers

Blooms | In stock

Jasmine flowers are believed to originate from the Himalayas, but now they bloom across many countries in vast forests, valleys, and meadows along rivers. When the moon rises, the night air spreads and fills the air with the...

Cosmos Red Cabbage Powder

Cosmos Red Cabbage Powder

Powders & Flakes | In stock

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. Purple cabbage also referred to as red cabbage, is incredibly versatile, and vibrant. The deep purplish-red hue brings...

Forget Me Not Flowers

Forget Me Not Flowers

Blooms | In stock

Forget Me Not flowers are believed to originate from Eurasia and North America and symbolize remembrance. Once upon a time, two lovers were walking along the river and saw the bright blue blossoms. As the...

Ruby Red Radish Powder

Ruby Red Radish Powder

Powders & Flakes | In stock

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this wondrous root vegetable to create award-winning dishes that sing with color. This precious wonder root vegetable not only gives a radiantly deep vibrant red, but...