Aqua Blue Spirulina Latte
Enjoy a splash of ocean-blue milky goodness over ice or soothing warm — either way, the taste is is heavenly, soothing, and pleasing to the eye. Gorgeous creamy lovely blue hue with the added deliciously good from Suncore Foods® Aqua Blue Spirulina Powder.

1/2 cup hot water
1 shot expresso
1 tsp maple syrup
1/4 cup heavy cream/coconut cream
1 tsp Suncore Foods® Aqua Blue Spirulina Powder
1/2 tsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp your favorite tea leaf
1. Place your favorite tea leaf in a cup and add hot water, let steep for 5 minutes. Then add maple syrup and stir to mix well.
2. Whip the cream and coconut sugar with Suncore Foods® Aqua Blue Spirulina Powder
3. Fill the glass with ice. Pour in tea, followed with blue cream and then espresso.